Video class: Don't should on yourself

We all have those moments when we say we "should" do something. We should be sending out newsletters and postcards. We should be doing open houses. We should be maintaining relationships with past clients. But most of those "shoulds" never come to fruition, and we're left playing catch-up.

A few years ago, as all my shoulds were piling up, my business partner and I decided to remove the word from our vocabularies. "Should" became "need to" or "will" or "must." Pardon the pun, but when you don't get to those "shoulds," you're shoulding on yourself.

I have a little math equation I like to live by: 90x10=0. Not making sense? Think of it this way: If you try to do 10 things at once—postcards, newsletters, outlining a class—but you only finish 90 percent of each project before moving on to something else, you've actually achieved nothing. You have just as many shoulds as when you started.

Instead, take one should and get it 100 percent finished. Now you're getting things accomplished.

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