Team Promotional Brochure

Team Promotional Brochure
Is your team missing a promotional brochure? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Share your services, brand, and message with the world by creating this team promo brochure, then placing it around your community.
Real estate self-promotional brochure

Before you get started

Please note that this brochure can take 30 minutes or longer to finish. We recommend taking a moment to map out your content and talking points.

The basics

Aside from basic contact information, you'll need a team photo, your team's logo, contact information and two client testimonials.

Text fields

Don't feel like you have to fill every content area with the maximum amount of text. We recommend using paragraph breaks, by hitting the return key twice, to space out your text, or just leaving white space between sections.

Intro Text

Use the "Hello" space to introduce your team to the reader/ Build rapport by describing your team; not just as agents, but also your everyday likes and activities.

Feature text

This is the main section of the content of the brochure. You'll need about three small paragraphs (4-5 sentences each) to fill this section.

Secondary text

What makes your company unique? This a good place to include information about your history as a team, or perhaps about your company's background like its history, company culture or tagline.


Ask for short (one or two sentences) recommendations from two of your past clients.

Why choose me?

Use 3-5 sentences to describe why you're the best real estate team around. Focus on your team's expertise in a certain neighborhood or discuss your teams most recently-closed deals.

My Unique Selling Proposition

In this section, you'll describe your teams brand and unique selling proposition. This is what makes you stand out from the competition.

Finishing touches

Your final proof should be printed on one sheet of paper -- front and back -- and then folded in half to form a brochure. A glossy, heavier paper stock will go a long way toward improving the final look of the brochure.

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