Five things to remember about inspection notices

Writing a good inspection notice is somewhat of an art. Use this list to make sure you don't forget something that could hurt your buyer in the long run. Taking the time to do things correctly up front will save you major headaches before and after closing.

If you'd like to download this list as a printable PDF, scroll to the bottom of the page.

1. Be specific

The more clearly you can describe the problem, the less likely the seller is to misunderstand and freak out. Refer to the inspection report, and remember that providing pictures is always helpful.

2. Request a licensed and insured contractor

This is not always necessary for all repairs, but the last thing you need is the homeowner doing electrical work or attempting similarly risky repairs.

3. Get documentation

Request receipts or invoices for all of the work done, and on big items—such as roofing or carpet—request a transferable warranty.

4. Re-Inspection

Be sure to stipulate a re-inspection opportunity for the buyer or inspector to check out the repairs.

5. Credit for repairs

If you are requesting a credit for repairs, be sure to verify with the lender that this will go through underwriting. Once the buyer and seller sign off on a credit, if the lender says “no go," you'll be in a real mess.

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