Ledger-size Luxury Brochure

Ledger-size Luxury Brochure
This is an elegant brochure that's perfect for luxury listings. It's ledger-sized, so you'll have plenty of space for photos and property information, and it folds to create a cover with inside pages.
Real estate brochure

Getting started

Aside from your own contact information, you'll need a personal photo, up to six property photos, and various property details to create this flyer. You can also include a company/personal logo if available. You can still create the flyer if you're missing some of these elements, but it won't have a completed look.

For best results, follow these tips:

Property Photos

The photo slots are labeled according to where each photo will appear on the brochure, such as "Front Cover Photo," "Back Cover Photo," and "Inside Page Left Photo." It's best to choose panoramic exterior photos for the cover photo slots, and use supplementary photos of the interior or back yard for the remaining slots.


There are several areas where you can add text, including a property description, a short personal bio, a neighborhood description, and other details of your choice. You can also add headlines to each text section.

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