20 Themes for an Email Campaign

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, "If I were one of my clients and I received and email from me, would I open that email?" Is the information you send worthy of opening?

As an agent it is important to think about how you can make your online marketing efforts stand out. It's fair to assume that your contacts will get bored of your emails if all you do is promote a listing or service. There has to be another component to your email campaign that will make the receiver want to open it and engage in your content.

One way you could add value to your email marketing would be to choose a theme for your campaigns and stick with it every time you send an email. For example, each month you could send articles about trendy décor ideas. You don't have to write the articles however, you should write original text in the email and link the article to that text.

By sticking to a theme that provides value to your contacts, they will begin to look forward to your emails thus - keeping you top of mind. In addition to the above, here are 20 things you can theme your emails as:

  1. List local events
  2. Offer a discount to your favorite vendors (if they approve)
  3. New technology products, specifically ones for a home
  4. First time home buyer information
  5. Home remolding projects
  6. Gardening tips
  7. Local sport team's schedules
  8. Home décor and interior design ideas
  9. Pet's up for adoption
  10. Highlight local businesses
  11. Food and drink recipes
  12. History about monumental buildings, hotels, properties, ect. within your city/community
  13. Inexpensive home updates
  14. Highlight local charities
  15. Recipes for home remedies
  16. Organizational tips
  17. DIY's projects for all areas of the home
  18. Energy saving tips
  19. List local activities happening that month
  20. Community garage sales, estate sales

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